Last month, in July 06, is my official first anniversary in this place that I call `home’. My rented apartment in Kota Damansara.
Flashback to 1 year ago…when after a frantic 3 weeks search, I finally found a place that I could call `home’. I was so excited to finally be moving on, from the little room that I had rented for close to 6 years to this brand new apartment. My new apartment comes at a cost of RM800 per month, not inclusive of the utilities bills. However, with this amount, it heralded in a new chapter of my life, whereby I could at long last, live `freely’ as a single young executive working and living in KL.
Fast forward, 1 year on… whats the difference in my life now? For one thing, for the past one year, I really enjoyed having a place that I could call my own, even though it is just a rented premise. I no longer have to put up with eccentric behaviour of my then landlord who was prone to anxiety attacks and was on medication chronically. I do not have to clean the shared common toilet, whom I shared with some KDU students who did not even have the good sense to flush the toilet after use (gross!).
I have found peace and tranquility at home, and I am also finding it soothing to just simply hang out at home, instead of in the shopping malls, or gyms, or pubs. I can cook as and when I like, and the fridge is loaded with my stuffs, and no one is throwing them out like before.
Going to work is a breeze… I can wake up only at 8am, and can still make it the office, on the dot at 9am, if I were to leave my place at 845am. Hahah… this goes well for people like me, who are more nocturnal by nature.
Well, I guess, in the very nutshell, its all `me, me, me’!!
Lest I sound like a contrite, self centred person (which I hope I am not), I still love company of good friends and family. I have also set up my apartment with a 6-seat dining table, and got cutleries in sets of 6’s, in anticipation of my hosting dining parties for friends. I have found that I have a good colleague who happens to be my neighbour (same block, same floor!) and when sometimes her good hubby is outstation ,will pop in to say hi, chat, and when I am stressed out, was even kind enough to bring me a box of green tea.
Finally I can sometimes just lay back and say `yeah, life is good’… as I enjoy the serenity of my apartment, and admire the minimalist furniture that I have in place, of which gives me all the furniture comfort of a home I need, yet not overwhelming and still appears spacious, which I like. It gives me a sense a pride also to sit back and admire the few things I have brought back/preserve from my travels or past events, that now adorns the empty spaces my living room, making it more homely and habitable.
My humble abode. My peace haven. On my one year ‘s anniversary here, two good friends also moved into another adjacent block. And nowadays, we hang out like before, but it is either in my humble abode, or theirs.
Life, as they say, is as good as its gets…. :D